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Styles of Therapy

The modality of therapy your therapist uses is vital to your therapeutic process. Below I have listed the styles of therapy I use throughout sessions to help create an indidvualized and holistic approach to treatment. 

Eye Movement Desenitization Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) is a technique that uses bilateral stimulation of the body to process traumatic and unsettling memories. 

Aims to create small changes in your life through thoughts and behaviour to create positive and lasting impacts.

Identifies the multitude of parts within our personality  (ex. happy part, angry part) and aims to restore balance within oneself.

Builds on the principals of cognitive therapy to teach people to be consciously aware and non-judgemental of their thoughts and feelings.

Focuses on how emotions and memories appear in the body and present themselves. The goal is to release maladaptive emotions through mind-body techniques.

Focuses on providing practical and effective skills to help manage relationships and communication while exploring how relationship dynamics were developed.

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